GSoC 2017 : My Project
So I have been finally selected for Google Summer of Code 2017 at Python Software Foundation . Python Software Foundation(PSF) serves as an umbrella organisation comprising various sub-orgs that have projects that contribute to the development of the Python language. The sub-org I am going to work with is Scrapinghub . About Scrapinghub Scrapinghub, as its name clearly suggests, deals primarily with scraping the web. Scrapinghub is a company concerned with Information Retrieval and its later manipulation, i.e., it deals with both data extraction and data processing after retrieval. It has various projects that deal with these topics and the one I am going to work on deals with data processing after retrieval. I am going to work with dateparser , which is a Python library that primarily deals with parsing dates in various languages and formats. About dateparser dateparser is a Python library that is used to parse various forms of dates in different languages to a common for...