GSoC 2017: Work Summary
So finally Google Summer of Code 2017 is coming to an end. It was an amazing experience to be a part of this prestigious program and I learned a lot in these three months about open source development. Work Summary I worked on dateparser , a project under sub-org Scrapinghub of Python Software Foundation (PSF) , that deals with parsing dates in various languages and formats. The objective of the project was to integrate translation data of all locales in Unicode Common Locale Data Repository(CLDR) which is a standard repository of locale specific data with the existing translation data in dateparser. Here is a brief outline of the work done on my project on dateparser during GSoC 2017: Work Completed 1. Retrieved Translation data from Unicode CLDR Scripts were written to retrieve translation data from unicode CLDR github repository. The translation data for dates and numerals were separately stored. 2. Ordered languages by population The languages were...